Wednesday 25 May 2011

Speaking from experience

Concept -

i am hoping to persuade LCA's next group of first years to explore there potential in graphic design and also to inform them of different facilities around the college, such as screen printing, laser cutting, book binding etc.


I need to be aware of the time i have left, as i have started this project half way through the brief, i need to ensure the time i have is sufficient enough for me to design and bind a book.

Content - 

The book will include information on departments located around college including, tutor names, room numbers, print prices, ink prices etc.

i am trying to make sure that by giving the first years all this information they will put it to use an explore different ways of presenting their final outcomes for briefs.

Method of Delivery -

I would like to design a book will all the information described above, i should have enough time to complete all the designs and bind the book for module deadline, however i will ensure i have at least a mock up design printed for our final crit.

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