Tuesday 6 December 2011

Key frames.

In todays workshop we were asked to bring in 50 screen grabs from a chosen kinetic type animation, 25 screen grabs from significant points in the animation and 25 from regular intervals i.e. every 12 seconds.

We were then asked to use timelines and place the images along them to show how the animation changes over time.

Open publication - Free publishing - More bates

What did i learn?

- It is important to bare in mind key frames when making timeline.

- Its a good idea to screen grab my own work, in case i cant use in design and to get a different perspective on the animation.

Problems i encountered?

- It is difficult to show what is happening using only significant points in the motion.

- When designing my own sequences i found it difficult to show when an object moved in fast then slowed down pace.

How do my sequences work?

- I will be looking at ways to show more key points in my sequences from now one

- There are also a few points in mine that need to rapid movement slowing down to static type.

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