Thursday 21 June 2012

James webb Re-design

For my first summer project i have decided to re design my first second year project, the james webb space telescope brief i completed, i wasn't happy with the final outcome but the concept was a really strong idea and something that interested me, for this i will be re thinking deliverables, stock and any other things that may crop up over the next week or so.

To start i have put together a list of products that will accompany the book i will be publishing.

For the people to take away:

- Books, a series of 3 as apposed to one containing 3 sections.
     - Planets
     - Nebulae
     - Galaxies

- Book Packaging
- Invitation
- Posters
- Banners
- Name Cards
- Plaque (Packaging for plaque)
- Map to be given out

For the Event:
- Map around the event
- Info to be placed along side the pieces of telescope

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