Wednesday 16 May 2012

Final Crit.

Todays crit may possibly be the most useful one i've had, we were asked to go round a different table in pairs and write down first thoughts on projects and how they could improve it.

No. 1

- Wheels for the van vector
- Good clear boards
- Pixelated imagery
- Very good logo
- Good consistent colour scheme
- Rework the letter head - the orange logo is potentially taking up too much space
- Photoshop the logo onto a van
- Range of safety equipment for building
- Mugs / flasks / stationary?

No. 2

- Boards need to be more descriptive
- Some low res images need altering
- Put the brief onto one of the boards
- Nice logo
- Can the range be extended - more stationary / options and website.
- what was the brand before you changed it?

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