Thursday 20 October 2011

Rationale Re-Write


Good is the James Webb space telescopes Primary Mirror



1.  6.5 meters in diameter

2. Gold platted for infrared purposes

3. Each 1/18th hexagonal segment weighs 20 kilos

4. The mirror unfolds 18 segments from 3 sections, this is to fit the space telescope onto the space shuttle

5. Each mirror piece moves individually controlled by 6 actuators attached to the back


I Intend to Inform & Educate the public about the James Webb space telescope through advertisement and promotion of the existence and possibly a fictional date for the launch of the telescope.

In order to achieve this i will produce a series of print based designs to advertise and promote the telescope.

Product - What is your product?

- Promotional and informative design for the launch of the telescope.

Range - what range of deliverables will you produce/propose

- A series of posters to promote the launch.
- a small book / zine with information of the telescope.
- Packaging for zines and promotional media
Contextual References

- Nasa Worm logo (1970')
- Nasa Food Packaging
- Design of the JW Space telescope

The Context in which your products will be seen/exists

- Universities
- Libraries
- Museums
- Space Centre
- Internet

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