Monday 5 November 2012

Digital Serif 2.

Continuing to develop my serif logo, starting to take off a lot faster now and the letter forms are fitting together much more comfortably, i have also began experimenting with different designs digitally, some more geometric than others.

This first logo again feels quite contemporary which is half of what I'm going for, the traditional side to the logo is much more important for the aesthetic as it will represent a male barbers, still i like the design and feel with work it could well but i don't want to waste time developing a logo that isn't appropriate.

Original serif, This is the original logo i designed on paper, I'm getting there in terms of development i am fairly happy with this one, it has the traditional aesthetic i have been looking for within my designs, it still needs a lot of work and it isn't as legible as i would like it to be, i will continue developing this logo.

Really liked the idea of the letters connecting through serifs, unfortunately it isn't very legible and the aesthetic isn't great either.

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